@stefan: “Florian, es gibt schon Hinweise auf Schwarze Löcher in Kugelsternhaufen in der Milchstraße, allerdings solche mit mittlerer Masse, also ein paar tausend Sonnenmassen.”
Soweit ich das gesehen habe, gehts hier nur im die stellaren schwarzen Löcher bzw. deren Röntgenausbrüche. Der Autor des Artikels schreibt dazu:
” Globular clusters (GCs) are densely packed collections of stars that are good places to find black hole XBs because a) the high stellar density increases the likelihood of making an XB, and b) it is very unlikely that you’ll find an AGN at the position of the GC by coincidence. Two downsides have been the total lack of GC black hole XBs in our Galaxy, and the fact that early theory expected the BHs to be ejected from the GCs! This dearth of Galactic GC black holes is unfortunate, but doesn’t mean that they do not exist in other galaxies; there are many more bright X-ray sources in M31 GCs than in our own Galactic GCs. Furthermore, recent computer modeling has shown that the variation in the properties of Galactic globular clusters is likely due to some of them losing all their black holes, while others keep quite a large fraction of them; the black holes are expected to fling each other out, but as the number of remaining black holes goes down, so does the probability of them interacting and ejecting more. We have published 11 black hole candidates associated with M31 GCs to date, with another one in the works.”